Diclocin Forte Tablets

Diclocin Forte Tablets in Pakistan Is A Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammation Medicine Used To Treat Illnesses Such As Gout, Migraines, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fever, And To A Lesser Extent Muscular Spasms And Joints. It Is Reported To Successfully Treat Arthritis-Related Pain, Edoema, And Joint Stiffness. Diclocin Forte Tablets May Be A Diclofenac And Paracetamol Combination. Its Accustomed Treat Headaches, Toothaches, Backaches, Menstrual Pain, Sprains, And Strains, Among Other Things. It Also Relieves Autoimmune Disease And Osteoarthritis.

Original price was: ₨3,499.00.Current price is: ₨2,999.00.

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Diclocin Forte Tablets Price in Pakistan


What Are Diclocin Forte Tablets in Pakistan?

Diclocin Forte Tablets in Pakistan is a non-steroidal anti-inflammation medicine used to treat illnesses such as gout, migraines, Rheumatoid Arthritis, fever, and to a lesser extent muscular spasms and joints. It is reported to successfully treat arthritis-related pain, edoema, and joint stiffness.

Diclocin Forte Tablets may be a diclofenac and paracetamol combination. Its accustomed treat headaches, toothaches, backaches, menstrual pain, sprains, and strains, among other things. It also relieves autoimmune disease (pain caused by the fusion of bones within the spine), osteoarthritis (pain caused by the wear and tear of the protective coating at the ends of the bones), and arthritis pain, stiffness, and edoema (a variety of arthritis affecting the tiny joints). Super Kamagra Tablets This medication relieves pain by inhibiting the assembly of a substance that causes pain and swelling. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach discomfort, lack of appetite, and diarrhea are all frequent adverse effects of Diclocin Forte Tablets Price in Pakistan.

If you’re allergic to the current medication, don’t take it. Diclocin Forte Tablets in Pakistan medication may induce dizziness and sleepiness in some people. If you’re feeling sleepy or dizzy after taking this prescription, don’t drive or operate machinery. to forestall symptom, use Diclocin (50/500 mg) Tablet with food, milk, or an antacid. Diclocin Forte Tablets in Pakistan Price relieves arthritic pain and swelling but doesn’t cure the condition. Don’t self-medicate or take it for extended than recommended.

Best For:


The following illnesses, disorders, and symptoms are treated, controlled, prevented, and improved using Diclocin Forte Tablets in Pakistan:

Back discomfort, sprains, and strains are all common injuries.


Joint discomfort



Periods cause discomfort.

Ear ache



Ankylosing spondylitis could be a reasonably arthritis that affects the spine.

Food should be consumed with Diclocin Forte Tablets in Lahore. This can prevent from developing a stomach ache. you must take it as directed by your doctor on a daily basis. Don’t take more or use it for extended than your doctor has prescribed.

Nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, lack of appetite, heartburn, and diarrhea are a number of the foremost adverse effects of this medication. If any of those side effects annoy you or don’t flee after an inexpensive amount of your time, you ought to contact your doctor. Your doctor is also able to advise you on the way to lessen or avoid the negative effects.

It’s possible that the drug isn’t right for everybody. If you have got heart, kidney, or liver issues, or if you’ve got stomach ulcers, tell your doctor before taking it. Tell your doctor about all other medications you take to make certain it’s safe for you. Before using this prescription, pregnant or nursing women should discuss with their doctors.


Diclocin Forte Tablets in Pakistan Benefits


Diclocin Forte Tablets in Karachi could be a combination of medicines accustomed relieves pain, inflammation, and edoema for a quick period of your time. It prevents the assembly of chemical messengers within the brain that alert us to pain. Back discomfort, earache, throat pain, toothache, and arthritic pain are all efficiently relieved by it.

To receive the most effective benefit, take it exactly as directed. Take no more or for extended than is critical, as this will be hazardous. In general, very cheap effective dose should be used for the shortest duration feasible. Glasterone D Tablets This can make it easier for you to travel about your regular tasks and live a healthier, more active life.

In patients with a history of stomach or intestinal bleeding, heart problems, asthma, or severe liver and kidney problems, Diclocin Forte Tablets in Islamabad should be soft on care. If you have got a history of any medical condition or are on any medication, tell your doctor. Also, if you’re pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or nursing, tell your doctor.


Side Effects


Diclocin Forte Tablets in Pakistan adverse effects include:

•           Rashes on skin

•           Constipation

•           Diarrhea

•           Nausea

•           Stomachache

•           Fatigue

The Diclocin Forte Tablets Price is not advised for pregnant women, and it has been shown to pass through breast milk. This medicine is not indicated for patients who have had a peptic ulcer or who have had a coronary artery bypass.


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